Pool Maintenance

Residential Pool Maintenance
The care and maintenance of your swimming pool should not be something you take lightly. An improperly maintained swimming pool can harbor a host of bacteria and pathogens. At Easy Pool Shop we dedicate ourselves to making sure your swimming pool is kept to the highest standards. We organize our pool service routes so that our technicians have ample time to devote themselves to the care and maintenance of your pool. Having Easy Pool Shop looking after and servicing your pool will save you money from costly repairs due to neglect and wear, not to mention leaving nothing for you to do…except enjoy your pool.
Using only the finest industrial-strength pool chemicals and materials, our weekly service maintains your water clarity and sanitation while providing complete cleaning service for your pool. We remove all debris from your pool, brush where necessary and maintain your filtration system. We routinely eliminate phosphate and metal build up. We add the best water clarifier on the market to aid in filtration and to make your water sparkle. We inspect all pool systems and components to ensure proper operation.
This is a great choice for a customer that wants worry-free pool maintenance. Each week a qualified service technician will visit your pool to provide the following services:
- Backwash filter if needed
- Check and adjust water chemistry
- Skim pool surface, vacuum pool bottom, brush pool walls
- Empty Skimmer Basket
- Empty Pump Basket
- Load chemical feeders
- Check and inspect equipment
Commercial Pool Maintenance
When it comes to your community or association pool, we recognize that you want nothing but the best. It is a valuable amenity for you and you can’t afford a poorly maintained pool disrupting your community or causing health issues! Easy Pool Shop will keep your pool sparkling clean and perfectly maintained, making it a dazzling center-piece to your neighborhood. Easy Pool Shop is a wise investment for any serious real-estate company or management company. The service we provide is unsurpassed, and the return to you will be happy residents or guests and hassle-free maintenance of your pool.
Contact Easy Pool Shop
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(512) 883-7099