Bring the pool store to your front door with easy chemicals and supply delivery!
About Easy Pools Shop
At Easy Pool Shop we apply an E.A.S.Y. principle and core value to offer you the most benefit from your investment. We are Excited About Serving You! Quality of life is the experience we create for our clients by providing professional information so you can make informed decisions about your pool.
Easy Platinum Club Membership
Monthly and Yearly Payment Options Available
Stop Overpaying at Leslies, Home Depot, and Lowes
83% of DIY pool owners buy too many chemicals at the pool store. Easy Pool Shop delivers peace of mind, quality of life, and long-term economic solutions for managing and maintaining your pool water. We offer scheduled maintenance plans, chemical delivery, energy audits, pool school, and membership plans that save you time and money.
Membership Benefits Include:
- Free In-Person Delivery of Chemicals and Supplies
- Wholesale Pricing with Manufacturer Warranty
- Expert Consultation, Advice, Troubleshooting, Diagnosis and Repair from Licensed, Certified, Insured Technicians
- Free Onsite Water Analysis
- Free Pool School
- Free Pool Inspection
- Repair Labor Discount
- $24.95/Month or $295.99/Year
Make it EASY to fire your pool guy while saving money maintaining your pool!
Easy Pool Shop Services
Want to Save Time & Money ? 83% of pool owners by...

Muriatic Acid
Maintaining a consistently clean and safe swimming pool requires constant attention to the water's chemistry. Substances such as muriatic acid is used to lower the pH factor, which affects every other chemical balance.The optimum range for pools is 7.4 to 7.6.

The Sutro Pool Monitor is a smart device that will help you manage your pool (or spa). It's the simple, safe, and seamless system to measure, monitor, and get treatment and chemical recommendations to keep your water safe.
Easy Pool Shop Services

Easy Pool Shop

They has got everything I need. They are truly upstanding and is behind its product 100%.
Great services at good prices. Bought a few stuff and have never been disappointed.
Wow! What great service, I love it! They has completely surpassed my expectations.